Mills in Bloom Florists Winchester

Avington Flower Delivery


 Classic Hand-Tied Bouquet

Each and every bouquet is one-of-a-kind, created using our selection of trending gentle themed stems available on the day. Your gift will look similar to the ones pictured and just as lovely. This hand-crafted bouquet will be delivered pre-arranged in Beautiful tones  soft golds and ruby berries for a truly elegant feel. 

  • Beautiful gentle tones for a truly seasonal feel
  • Flowers delivered in bud.

Monday to Saturday from £7.95 (added at checkout).
We deliver to SO22, SO23, SO24 and some SO20, SO21 and postcodes. We do NOT make timed deliveries. Funeral Flowers require 48 hrs notice. Orders placed are subject to flower stocks , driver availability and local cut off times.

NB If a flower pictured is unavailable, our florists will substitute with another of similar colour and value, respecting the overall theme of the bouquet. If you have specific requirements regarding the flower content,  please contact us -

Mills in Bloom Winchester Florists - 01962 864180.